Acting Self and Consciously through Holistic Systemic Coaching

Alexander Hahn
3 min readFeb 5, 2021

Holistic systemic Coaching

Constant change, new influences and increasing digitalisation increase the pressure on every individual to act at an almost impossible pace — whether professionally or privately. Many people reach their limits as they try to keep up with this “higher, faster, further”.But experience shows that those who feel driven only react instead of proactively making decisions and recognising and seizing opportunities. Mental and physical strength and agility are increasingly lost.

This is where holistic coaching comes in. It is about body, mind and soul. As a coach, we do not look at individual aspects, challenges or problems. We look at the whole situation of the coachee and work holistically. This is because we also include individual lifestyles such as nutrition, exercise, stress and sleeping habits in our work.

Acting self-consciously

Self-aware people act from within themselves. Instead of serving the expectations of others, they trust their inner compass. They recognise opportunities and actively make decisions. They are constantly re-learning their thinking. They know their strengths and their shadow sides. They perceive. They reflect and create an inspiring environment for themselves. So you could say they are self-aware.

Every person is unique

A patent remedy to achieve this decisiveness would be too good — but also unrealistic. Our own upbringing shapes us. Beautiful, but also challenging experiences influence us. That is how it should be. And at the same time, that is exactly why certain situations challenge us in particular.

So that you can freely develop your personal potential

We support you in bringing clarity to your issues and formulating your personal goals — whether professional or in your private life. We follow a creative and solution-oriented approach and apply various methods that sustainably strengthen your creativity, inner strength, intuition, resilience and self-confidence. It is important to us that you reach your own solution from your own strength. To achieve this, we work together to find answers to the questions: What is holding you back? What brings you forward?

The human being in the centre

Appreciation, confidentiality and the belief that you can change things here and now. This is what drives us as coaches and what we want to convey to our coachees. We tend to focus on our weaknesses and are often not aware of our strengths and talents. But they lie dormant within us and need to be discovered and brought into focus. This is the first step towards change and the development of our own inner strength. Together we want to walk this path and fade out external influences in the process — we concentrate fully on you.

We are convinced that people can always realise their full potential when they are in their balance — together we can work towards this goal. Feel free to contact us!

