Resilience as an anchor and drive on the Ocean of Transformation

Alexander Hahn
3 min readAug 2, 2022

Resilience is more than a Buzzword

The VUKA world is no longer an abstract spectre of large corporations. Life in permanent chaos is the (working) day new normal. The boundaries between work and private life are becoming blurred. Despite constant networking, we often feel (left) alone.

“Resilience” is the magic word of the hour. The good news: it’s a skill we can learn. What exactly lies behind it and why managers should build on the supposedly soft factor even in calm waters.

Resistance is welcome

Resilience is the ability to overcome crises and emerge stronger. Psychologists speak of the skill to be mentally resistant. People who are resilient remain calm under high pressure, see opportunities and use them proactively. Companies increasingly understand that resilience is becoming an indispensable factor. And not just with regard to the well-being and performance of individual employees. High-functioning, agile teams and organizations always have one thing in common: They are resilient.

And yet resilience is more than keeping your head above water in a crisis. People who can handle stress well are more creative, more solution-oriented, and see meaning in their work. The tunnel vision caused by stress is absent. We are able to change perspectives and make full use of resources. This spurs innovation. Especially in times when disruptive ideas are more important than ever.

A McKinsey study shows that getting there doesn’t always have to be difficult: Even sufficient sleep helps us to cope better with stress. At the same time, we promote important leadership qualities such as results orientation, problem-solving skills and social support.

The silent pandemic: flood of costs due to mental illnesses

Stress-related illnesses such as burn-out, depression and anxiety disorders represent an enormous cost factor. Every year, they cause economic damage of around one trillion US dollars worldwide. This figure is expected to increase sixfold by 2030. The effects of the Corona crisis not yet taken into account.

Organizations that promote resilience strengthen the mental defenses of their employees. And avoid massive losses due to absenteeism, reduced productivity and staff turnover. According to the WHO, every dollar spent on mental health programs generates a return on investment of four dollars. Other sources put the figure as high as ten dollars.

Staying ahead in the race for talent

Mental stress and its consequences were long considered a taboo subject. Fortunately, that is changing. Generations Y and Z play a central role in this. They are the ones most affected by mental illness. And they also talk openly about it.

This is changing the demands on employers. Companies that actively address issues like resilience are more attractive to talent. A survey of more than 1,200 employees found that 91 percent would like more support for their mental well-being. For 85 percent, relevant initiatives are already crucial in their job search.

Fostering resilience: What leaders should do

Resilience is not an innate trait. It can be trained. In companies in particular, the responsibility for this should not rest on the shoulders of the individual. Strong individuals grow up in strong teams. The basis for this is created by managers who set a good example. This requires a systematic approach that looks at people as a whole: Body, mind and soul.

At Hahn&Loewe, we also train our resilience and have already tested and evaluated many methods and approaches. We have summarized the most effective ones in our Resilience Booster Workshop, in which we teach methods and approaches on how everyone can strengthen their ability for resilience individually and how teams can train their resilience together.

If you are interested, please contact us. We look forward to your questions:

